Navy Seal Rules to Live by

By 23 november 2022 No Comments

In it, Itzler describes how he hired a Navy SEAL to live with him and his family for a month to teach them the lessons of mental strength. “Navy SEALs have a `40% rule` and that`s the key to overcoming mental barriers.” Great reflection. N.p., November 26, 2015. 06 March 2016. . I have heard that before. According to psychological research, people who make their bed in the morning are happier and more successful than those who don`t. If that`s not enough, here`s more (taken from a blog with 50 live tips, the link is here). When we fail to push ourselves and accept the pain in our lives, we inadvertently reject things of true value and substance.

Babin describes a situation in Ramadi, Iraq, that could have cost a lot of life; Fortunately, his team escaped unscathed, but he blames himself. He didn`t use a basic principle of joints – “cover and move” – which essentially means working as a team. We lend millions of dollars a day in 33 states with over 300 customers and treat every relationship as if it were our own business, knowing full well that our customers trust us for one of the most important aspects of their lives – their cash flow. It is very important that every team member understands the seriousness of decision-making and that it is based on our “why”: helping each other and our clients unlock their potential. According to Itzler, Goggins` feet and kidneys were shot down when they met on the course. But Goggins kept going, and after finishing the race, Itzler asked Goggins to live in his house for a month and teach his family mental resilience. But the SEAL explained to him that we are all capable of accomplishing more than we think. This was Itzler`s first introduction to the 40% rule, a rule that this SEAL and his brothers lived. A rule that when all the tokens were down, they relied on the fact that they were always capable of more.

Our will shines through when we have an established “why” that we truly understand and believe in. Once we understand this, the will to succeed becomes a powerful driving force. He has the ability to overcome the fear of failure if we allow it. But it can`t even be. It must be illustrated in our daily lives. If we don`t show this discipline on a daily basis, how can we show it when needed? The SEAL explained that even if our minds want to stop, we have an energy reserve system that can be even more powerful if we allow it. He gave a speech at the University of Texas at Austin 2014 Commencement Address and wrote a book about it. Ten rules to follow: SEALs have an exercise called “Slide for Life”.

Head first is the fastest way. Life is a struggle and the potential for failure is always there, but those who live in fear of failure, hardship or embarrassment will never reach their potential. Without going to your limits, without slipping headlong into the rope from time to time, without daring much, you will never know what is really possible in your life. The 40% rule is something we should all experience, whether in business or in life in general. We can all learn to dig deeper and go further than we ever thought possible. In a video about Big Think, Marquis Jet founder Jesse Itzler talks about a part of his book called “Living with a SEAL.” He describes the time he encountered a SEAL during a 100-mile race that Itzler completed as part of a 6-person relay while the SEAL completed it alone. After finishing the race, he learned that at mile 70, the SEAL had broken all the small bones of both feet and had kidney damage, but still finished the race. Intrigued by this person, Itzler invited the SEAL to live with him and his family for a month to learn from him and change the routine he had fallen into.

Well, I`ve never lived with a SEAL, but my dad is pretty much the closest civilian equivalent you`ll ever find. I`ve written about his business lessons before, but I`ve never shared his signature mantra. “The first day `SEAL` came to see me, he asked me to do – he said, how many pull-ups can you do? After the race, Itzler did what any billionaire would do: he hired the SEAL to live with him and his family, to teach mental strength. “I asked him to come and see my family and me for a month. I did the same thing every day, as did many of us. Wake up!; go to work; Go home, you know; Lunch; Try again. And I just wanted to get off autopilot. And I thought it would be a great way to get in shape, but also to mix up my routine and improve. Nevertheless, his mantra has shaped the course of my life in many ways. Essentially, this means that our ability to cope with challenges, difficulties and setbacks is not defined by our abilities, but by our state of mind. When Navy SEALs drop recruits, they have to ring three times.

Never, ever ring the bell. Never give up. You will regret it forever. Life constantly puts you in situations where quitting smoking seems so much easier than moving on. Where the odds are so against you that giving up seems to be the rational thing. Life is full of difficult times. But someone there always has worse than you. If you fill your days with pity, if you are sad about how you have been treated, if you lament your fate in life, if you blame your situation on someone or something else, then life will be long and difficult. On the other hand, if you refuse to give up your dreams, standing, standing and strong against all odds – then life will be what you make of it – and you can make it great.

Never, never, never ring the bell! The 40% rule is simple: if your mind tells you you`re done, you`re exhausted, you can`t continue, you`re only 40% done. Jocko was the highest-ranking officer, and in his eyes, there was only one option: take full responsibility and possess it. In doing so, he saved his job. His superiors understood that all leaders make mistakes, but only the good ones take responsibility. 99% of people who start a marathon. It`s a surprising number, I know, but there`s a reason it`s so high. This is called the 40% rule, a concept used by Navy SEALs to increase mental strength. Navy SEALs are a unique breed. The intense training program and professional expectations they can resist have made them some of the toughest men on the planet. They fascinated me very early. The work they do, the education they endure – everything. In the book, Jocko describes a failure that makes my failure rather petty.

In 2012, Jocko commanded a SEAL task force in Iraq that was under heavy fire. He thought it was the mujahideen, but in reality, it was friendly fire from another SEAL unit – and unfortunately one soldier died. As a credit institution, we know from experience how important it is to think about the disadvantages and prepare for known risks. We follow the maxim “Risk is what you don`t know, not what you know”. Control the things you can – and remember that it`s an ongoing process. The attitude “The obstacle is the way”. Become a Stoic. Our mind can be a powerful tool or a poisonous enemy if we allow it. The next time you`re deep in the cave of pain and your mind starts telling you to stop, remember the 40% rule. Know that if you truly believe in your “why” and believe that your willpower will allow you to push for that extra 60%, even if your mind says no. If you`re not sure what your “why” is or need help, check out Heidi Fearon`s article Addressing Your “WHY” and Your Fears. I grew up with the 40% rule, but I didn`t realize it until I read Jesse Itzler`s book “Living With A SEAL.” As an entrepreneur, I`ve faced total devastation more times than I`d like to remember.

Products failed, business was lost, and I ran out of money more than once. Goggins is now wrapping up discussions about pushing people out of their comfort zone and convincing them to stay there. While living with Itzler and his family, the SEAL taught him the 40% rule. People who follow me know that I am a fan of Navy SEALs. Hence why I chose William H. McRaven`s “Make Your Bed: Small things that can change your life and maybe the world.” He is a former U.S. Navy admiral who served as the ninth commander of U.S. Special Operations Command. He was part of SEAL Team Six and commanded SEAL Team Three. In total, he was part of the SEALs for 36 years.

It`s an idea popularized by David Goggins, a SEAL who has completed 14 races, each more than 100 miles long, and he did so most of his time on active duty with a life-threatening heart defect that limited him to about 75 percent of heart function. If you rely on the heroic deeds of the “guy” or use “hope” as a strategy, we call it “smoking hope.” Do this, and you will significantly limit your team`s potential. Success must come from the team, from others who are empowered to do their job and get results. It all starts with the assumption that all results come – not just the good stuff! – are your ultimate responsibility when you are in a leadership role.