What`s the Definition of Regrettable

By 5 december 2022 No Comments

This ill-fated action will, of course, trigger a racial gang war and leave a pile of corpses in its wake. This is certainly a very unfortunate incident and I hope that the internal investigation will shed light on this matter. Regrettable describes things that feel sorry for you. Letting your sister borrow your own snow shovel became an unfortunate decision by the time the big storm started. Because of these two regrettable events, great honor and joy fell upon me. When Oates returns to the history of the war, it is unfortunate that some factual inaccuracies become distractions. When they disagree, they tend to think that there was an unfortunate, perhaps terrible, mistake. Their responsibility and apology will be an important example to all of us that we can successfully overcome our regrettable decisions, despite the costly consequences of that decision for them. The minister said any job losses would be “deeply regrettable”. Actions and events are unfortunate if they lead to feelings of regret or if they are unwanted or undesirable. Wearing your least comfortable shoes on a walking tour of Paris is an unfortunate choice when blisters form on your toes. Remember, regrettable describes things as decisions, actions, or words. Regret is to describe the people and feelings that express regret.

An unfortunate moment can become an opportunity to exemplify positive conflict resolution behavior while maintaining closeness. “I think the timing is incredibly unfortunate,” New Zealand political commentator David Farrar told The Daily Beast. It is unfortunate that he left the country while he was being watched. It is unfortunate that God did not possess the generosity of an Ingersoll and made health contagious instead of disease. It is unfortunate that so many people have lost their jobs as a result. We leave it to the reader to make his own comments on these too regrettable facts. I spent an unhappy percentage of my 20s reading critically acclaimed novels by men who portrayed women as whiteboards for a man`s desire, scribbled and barely distinguishable. Henry Hudson landed here, and many other Dutchmen were “landed” and made unfortunate discoveries in exactly the same place.

It was a touching experience at a new point and was anything but regrettable. The bombing of the Chinese embassy was a deeply regrettable mistake. Bush took responsibility for what he called “regrettable incidents” that occurred 14 years ago at a “particularly difficult personal moment” in his life. The military`s role in the space program is inevitable, even if Russell thinks it`s unfortunate.