fl USA review

Another factor that causes a snap hook is a grip that is too strong

By 24 juni 2022 No Comments

Another factor that causes a snap hook is a grip that is too strong

Isn’t this more a pull hook rather than a snap hook?

Man, if we could only take Trackman with us on the course……I don’t know how people played golf before Trackman. People are human and will never eliminate bad swings….maybe on Trackman…but out on the course it isn’t going to happen.

That is an outside in swing path with a closed face at impact which is a recipe for a pull snap hook

How do I stop hitting it on the toe and snapping a hook from there? I seem to be able to hit the toe on command

If your correct your inside out swing path for the snap hook, you will start hitting more the center of the clubface. The reason you hit the toe, if you are a hooker is because the face is so closed that the toe of the club is what contacts the ball first. Most people hit the toe of the club because their swing is too much up and down and they hit slices, this is not you’re problem if you are a hooker! Your problem is a swing path problem and possibly a grip fix. Exaggerate your downswing path so that you start fading or how to find a real sugar daddy in florida slicing the ball and you will gradually see your toe hooks disappear. The best tip I’ve seen for this is to cut a tennis ball in half, tee the ball up, put one half of the tennis ball about six inches in front of the ball and one inch outside your target line; put the other half 6 inches behind the ball and one inch inside the target line. If you are a true snap hooker I’ll bet you will not be able to miss both tennis balls on your downswing. Practice until you can miss both tennis halves and you will stop your snap hook and toe hits.

It is indeed more of a pull hook that he describes – which is an awful thing anyway, as i know very well…

Get a copy of “The Perfect Swing” form the 1960’s – that’s more than 40 (!) years ago – and you’ll find the ‘modern’ ball flight ‘laws’ aren’t remotely modern or anything whatsoever to do with Trackman.

Ball starts left of target line – therefore your face is pointing a bit left of the target line at impact. Ball then curves further left – your face is also closed to the club path. That’s all you need to know in theory – of course, in reality to fix it is another matter.

If the curve u]is not too vicious, then indeed try to get your path out the right a bit, and the face will probably ( not guaranteed, though) follow it… so maintaining a draw curve but starting to the right of target and resulting in a nice push draw.

Single plane setup and swing without a lot of hand action cures this in seconds, just need to work on the straight push right because of path, get the path right and you have a straight shot….thank you Todd Graves..

Sorry but this article didn’t help. Most people who snap hook are ones who aim too far to the right and have a severe inside to out swingpath. Goes left and stays left.

Sorry Tom, but what was so bad about the 2nd shot? Looks like a decent fade, with good trajectory, carry and landing angle?

A proper snap hook has a path to the right with a very closed face. The ball starts left and goes further left because of the very closed face, but the swing path is still to the right.

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