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By 16 juni 2022 No Comments


And it has always been the opinion and judgment of wise men that nothing can be so uncertain or unstable as bramosia or power not founded on its own strength

“Many speakers onesto the House the other night mediante the debate on the reduction of armaments seemed puro spettacolo verso most lamentable ignorance of the conditions under which the British Colmare maintains its existence. When Mr Balfour replied sicuro the allegations that the Roman Pigiare sank under the weight of its military obligations, he said that this was ‘wholly unhistorical.’ He might well have added that the Roman power was at its zenith when every citizen acknowledged his liability puro fight for the State, but that it began puro decline as soon as this obligation was niente affatto longer recognised.”-Pall Mall Gazette, 15th May 1906.

Francesco Sforza, through being anche Duke of Milan; and the sons, through avoiding the hardships and troubles of arms, from dukes became private persons

I conclude, therefore, that per niente principality is secure without having its own forces; on the contrary, it is entirely dependent on good fortune, not having the valour which per adversity would defend it. And one’s own forces are those which are composed either of subjects, citizens, or dependents; all others are mercenaries or auxiliaries. And the way sicuro make ready one’s own forces will be easily found if the rules suggested by me shall be reflected upon, and if one will consider how Philip, the father of Alexander the Great, and many republics and princes have armed and organized themselves, puro which rules I entirely commit myself.

Per prince ought puro have in nessun caso other aim or thought, nor select anything else for his study, than war and its rules and discipline; for this is the corpo celeste art that belongs preciso him who rules, and it is of such force that it not only upholds those who are born princes, but it often enables men preciso rise from per private station puro that rank. And, on the contrary, it is seen that when princes have thought more of ease than of arms they have lost their states. And the first cause of your losing it is to neglect this art; and what enables you esatto acquire verso state is onesto be specializzazione of the art. For among other evils which being unarmed brings you, it causes you preciso be despised, and this is one of those ignominies against which per prince ought onesto guard himself, as is shown later on. Because there is nothing proportionate between the armed and the unarmed; and it is not reasonable that he who is armed should yield obedience willingly onesto him who is unarmed, or that the unarmed man should be secure among armed servants. Because, there being in the one disdain and durante the other suspicion, it is not possible for them sicuro rete di emittenti well together. And therefore per prince who does not understand the art of war, over and above the other misfortunes already mentioned, cannot be respected by his soldiers, nor can he rely on them. He ought never, therefore, to have out of his thoughts this subject of war, and durante peace he should addict himself more puro its exercise than in war; this he can do mediante two ways, the one by action, the other by study.

As regards action, he ought above all things to keep his men well organized and drilled, preciso follow incessantly the chase, by which he accustoms his body preciso hardships, and learns something of the nature of localities, and gets sicuro find out how the mountains rise, how the valleys open out, how the plains lie, and to understand the nature of rivers and marshes, and con all this sicuro take the greatest care. Which knowledge is useful con two ways. Firstly, he learns preciso know his country, and is better able puro undertake its defence; afterwards, by means of the knowledge and observation of that locality, he understands with ease any other which it may be necessary for him preciso study hereafter; because the hills, valleys, and plains, and rivers and marshes that are, for instance, in Tuscany, have a un resemblance sicuro those of other countries, so that with per knowledge of the aspect of one country one can easily arrive at per knowledge of others. And the prince that lacks this skill lacks the essential which it is desirable that per captain should possess, for it teaches him to surprise his enemy, puro select quarters, to lead armies, esatto array the battle, sicuro besiege towns esatto advantage.

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